By Travis Uresk
| Roosevelt, Ut. | February 21st, 2025 |
Roosevelt City Police responded to disorderly conduct on North State Street, based on a dispatch report that the complainant was trying to get some belongings from her ex's house.
Dispatch advised that the male subject was breaking the complainant's belongings and was still gathering information as Officer Arnold arrived on scene.
When the officer arrived, he found the complainant on the phone with 9-1-1 crying in her car. He asked what had happened, and she told him she was trying to get her stuff to leave.
She told Officer Arnold that earlier in the morning, some females had jumped and attacked her while her ex watched and laughed.
The woman said she had come to the house to get her stuff, and her ex began throwing things. In front of the house, the officer could see a shattered vase and a plastic case that appeared to be broken. The officer asked where he was, and she said he was inside the house.
Officer Arnold knocked on the door, and a male walked out, placed in handcuffs, and was told he was being detained for the time being. He was placed in the back of the patrol vehicle, and he asked the officer if she said he hit her. The officer said no, but he was breaking things.
While speaking with the complainant again, she said around 6:30 am, her ex kicked in the window at her grandma's house, and three other girls were trying to fight her. She said that two of them got her to the ground and held her there while they kicked her.
The officer could see that her face was severely swollen because of the assault, and photos of the injuries were taken for evidence.
The complainant told the officer while she was on the ground that her ex had just stood there, laughed, and told her she got what she deserved.
Later, she came to get her stuff back, and some of it was already outside. She said she went in to grab her stuff, and he started throwing it outside. The officer asked for his name, and she identified him as 28-year-old Cache Verl Connary.
The female wanted to go inside and get some items of hers, so the officer followed her inside the residence. In the process, one of the dogs walked out of the house. While inside the house, the officer could hear Cache yelling from inside the patrol truck.
Officer Arnold and the victim began trying to get the dog back inside the residence, but Cache continued to yell and started beating on the truck's door. Officer Arnold walked over and told Cache he needed to calm down and stop yelling or he would go to jail, but he continued his behavior.
While the victim was gathering her belongings, Cache continued to yell. Cache was informed that he was being arrested for criminal mischief with domestic violence as well as disorderly conduct and transported to the Roosevelt Police Department. While at the Roosevelt Police Department, it was discovered that Cache also had a warrant out for his arrest.
Officer Arnold spoke with the victim further and gathered a little more information. She stated the females were out front texting her, trying to get her to fight. Cache kicked in the back window and, entered the home and started chasing them outside, where she was met by the three girls and badly assaulted.
Due to the fact that Cache forcefully entered the dwelling with the intent to assault an individual, he is also being charged with Burglary.

All the articles from 1nationjustice.com are from the affidavits of probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like, you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to get on the site and to open every document you want to read.