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An Inmate At The Uintah County Jail Gets Charged With Lewdness **Graphic Content**

Travis Uresk

** Graphic Content**


UCJ – Deputies at the Uintah County Jail have had multiple incidents with 24-year-old Nicholas Keller flooding the isolation day room, throwing paper under the door, peeing underneath his cell door, and other incidents.

On 11/12/23, at around 10:30 am, Sgt Boren went to speak with Keller in the isolation-2 cell about him throwing water underneath his door and flooding the isolation day room. Sgt Boren stated it was a criminal offense and that he needed to stop his disruptive behavior.

Deputy Monsen was on the third floor of the UCJ reviewing video footage to see if inmate Keller had continued to throw water under his door after speaking with Sgt Boren.

While reviewing the video, around 11:50 am, Keller was sitting on the bench in his cell with his hands in his pants, and it appeared he was masturbating. Keller then took out his penis from his pants in plain view while he continued masturbating. Keller then stood in front of the camera and kept up the act.

According to the affidavit, the controllers are civilian-staffed, have direct access to the camera system, and constantly monitor them all day. Deputy Monsen believed inmate Keller must have known this, and his actions would likely caused an alarm to the staff members.



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