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During A Traffic Stop, A Female Lies About Her Name Because Of A Protective Order Against The Driver


| Naples, Ut. | August 10th, 2024 |

Deputy Oldham was traveling northbound on US-40 in Naples when a Ford Explorer traveling in the same direction began swerving into the turning lane.

The deputy watched the vehicle swerve twice and then change lanes without using its turn signal. Deputy Oldham changed lanes and got into position behind the Explorer and turned on his emergency lights.

The vehicle stopped at 1400 E US-40, and the deputy approached the vehicle, made contact with the driver, and learned his identity, 39-year-old Kashon Raymond Grow.

The deputy also asked for the passenger's name, and she told me it was "Crystal." As Deputy Oldham spoke with Kashon, he observed that his right blinker was on, showing that his tail light bulb was out.

As Deputy Oldham was waiting for dispatch to return Kashon's information, he requested a K9 unit to assist. Naples Police Department K9 arrived and stated that his dog indicated after conducting a free air sniff.

Dispatch also informed the deputy that there was a protective order. As he read through the protective order, Deputy Oldham learned that two victims were listed as protected under the protective order. He didn’t see the name “Crystal” on the protective order.

While speaking with Kason, he was informed of the positive indication given by Naples K9. Kason was asked if there were any drugs in the vehicle, to which he responded that he had multiple prescription medications inside the vehicle.

The two officers conducted the vehicle search and found court documentation of the protective order. They asked "Crystal" to come over and speak with them. Deputy Oldham asked "Crystal" for her full name and date of birth to verify her identity. Crystal appeared to be scared, put her face in her hands, and wouldn't answer the deputy.

Deputy Oldham then made the comment that she wasn't "Crystal" and she needed to be honest with him. Kashon was heard telling her to be honest. "Crystal" then told the deputy her full name, and the deputy recognized that name as one of the two victims protected by the protective order.

The deputy returned to Kashon and spoke with him concerning the violation. He was told that Kason and the female had court on Monday to get the protective order dropped. It was explained to Kashon that the protective order was still in existence and that he was in violation of it.

Kason was placed into handcuffs and put into a patrol vehicle.

Deputy Oldham went to speak with the female, and she stated that this was a sign from God and that she had been praying earlier to help her get out of this relationship.

The female explained to the officers that Kashon has been abusive in the past and is very controlling.

When asked about the last time Kason was physical with her, she expressed that it was about four months ago.

She also informed the officers that in October of 2023, Kashon held a gun to her head and also kneed her in the mouth, splitting her lip open.

Deputy Oldham told the female that he would transport Kashon to the Uintah County Jail while Vernal City Police remained behind with her.

She agreed, and the deputy left and transported Kashon to the jail.

Kashon was booked on the following charges: protective order violation and witness tampering. The witness tampering was discovered after Deputy Oldham left the jail.

The deputy learned the court date for Monday, the female didn't even want to go, but Kason was forcing her to go to get the protective order dropped.

When the deputy asked the female what Kason had told her concerning the court appearance, she stated that Kason had told her to lie to the judge.

After speaking with the female, Deputy Oldham returned to the jail and added the charge of witness tampering.

If you or someone you know have been in a similar situation of abuse and forced to lie to the court or anyone about the abuse. Please reach out to someone for help. Email me, and I will help you. No one deserves to be abused by anyone.

All the articles that come from are from the affidavits & probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to open every document you want to read. You can also look up any case in the state of Utah from this site.


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