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Naples Police received a tip saying they saw about 1,500 Fentanyl pills the bathroom

Travis Uresk


| Naples, Ut. | December 6th, 2024 – February 22nd, 2025 |

On 12/6/24, Naples City Police received an anonymous tip from Tip a Cop, where they stated while visiting a friend, they saw about 1,000-1500 blue Fentanyl pills in a container in the bathroom of the residence at 1474 S 500 E.

The homeowner in this tip is, 31-year-old Jessica Rae Gardiner.

Since this tip, the Uintah Basin Narcotics Strike Force Agents have been watching this residence.

While observing, there have been multiple short-stay traffic visits each day. It is apparent that this is a continuing trend for this residence. These range from approximately one minute to approximately an hour. These vehicles park in the driveway, are met by a female occupant from the residence, and then depart the location.

There have also been observations of long-stay traffic being overnight. This has been observed for over a month and a half.

On 1/31/25, it was observed that a known illegal narcotics trafficker parked at this residence for approximately an hour.

On 2/22/25, this same vehicle was driven by known illegal narcotics traffickers parked at this residence. The reported property Owner is Jessica Gardiner. There are three observed vehicles parked at the residence.

Before any vehicles departing this location, parties have been observed walking out and up and down the roadway. Gardiner and others have been observed performing these checks.

On this same day, Officer McGaha watched this vehicle leave the residence with a male and female inside. The female in the passenger seat is registered to this vehicle.

Deputies from the Uintah County Sheriff's Office and Officers from the Naples Police Department conducted a traffic stop. A positive K9 alert was noted. Both subjects were detained and eventually arrested.

In their possession, identified by both parties, was the following. 56.18g of Fentanyl Pills (Approximately 500 pills), 22.72g of Methamphetamine, and 4.25g of suspected Fentanyl Powder.

Fentanyl Powder
Fentanyl Powder

Agents and deputies observed this vehicle from departure to the traffic stop. It did not stop anywhere prior to the stop. After being advised of their Miranda Rights, they both stated they spent approximately $1,500.00 on these items, which they purchased for Gardiner and then transported to her residence.

They stated there were approximately 1,000 -1,500 Fentanyl pills, Fentanyl Powder, and Methamphetamine currently at the residence. They stated they had purchased from her on prior occasions. The male had $500.00 cash in his pocket.

Based on the ongoing investigation, a search warrant was applied for and granted to search the residence.

Prior to the execution of the search warrant, 34-year-old Johnny Derek Nielson was seen leaving the residence. A traffic stop was conducted, and it was found that Nielson did not possess a valid driver's license and required SR-22 insurance. Gardiner was contacted to have her come to claim her vehicle. Both parties were detained.

Two juvenile females were inside the residence. These juveniles had free roam of the home and visited Nielson every other weekend.

An interview with each after advising of their Miranda rights. Both stated they had recently smoked illegal narcotics inside the residence.

Nielson stated he lived at the address for a few weeks and knew there were illegal items inside the home. He uses Methamphetamine and has sold on prior occasions, but he doesn't use Fentanyl.

Gardiner stated she would show the officers the location of all the illegal narcotics and said she had helped people out to prevent them from getting sick and sold illegal drugs. She stated she had a large habit of using fentanyl powder and pills and a history with Heroin.

Upon executing the search warrant, the odor of burned illegal narcotics was overwhelming.

In the master closet, large quantities of Cash currency, Fentanyl Pills (approximately 2,000 Pills), Fentanyl Powder, and Methamphetamine were located. These items were packaged in different bags and in varying quantities throughout.

There were also Fentanyl pills located in an unlocked safe in the dining room. Fentanyl burnt pills on foil, Heroin, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Prescription medications, Marijuana, and scales situated in the residence and common areas. These scales were in the exact location as the bulk bagged items. Bulk paraphernalia items were located throughout the residence. Examples of these are glass bulbed pipes, tin foil with burn marks and blue melted pills on them, Glass Water pipes (Bongs), and a multitude of containers.

Four firearms were located in a locked safe. The key to the safe was located in a drawer in the master bedroom. Both parties stated they knew the firearms were there and had recently been inside the safe. Nielson stated he had shot the handgun as recently as a week ago. Gardiner's driver's license and Passport were in the safe. There was ammunition for each type of handgun.

The safe contained a 9mm, .380, a 12ga shotgun, and a .22 long rifle. Gardiner stated that her father passed these firearms down.

Gardiner was re-interviewed, where she said she hadn't used the firearms and stated the large quantities of cash were partially used for purchasing illegal narcotics and other items.

Johnny Nielson is knowingly distributing Methamphetamine and is in a dating relationship with Gardiner, who has plans to depart the area for a Doctor's appointment and a rehab facility in FL.

Gardiner stated she had an out-of-state appointment in CO and another substance rehab in FL. She has the means to travel outside of the area.

Gardiner was booked into the Uintah County jail for the following charges:

Nielson was booked into the Uintah County jail for the following charges:

All the articles from are from the affidavits of probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like, you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to get on the site and to open every document you want to read.



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