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Uintah Basin Narcotic Strike Force And AP&P Arrested A Vernal Man After Multiple Dirty Urine Tests

Posted by Travis Uresk | Dec. 25th, 2022 | Drugs |

By Travis Uresk


Vernal, Ut.- On 12/21/22, Agent Nathan Simper worked with the Uintah Basin Narcotic Strike Force. Agent Barnes contacted him with AP&P concerning a residence where illegal narcotics had been located.

Agent Nathan Simper responded to a residence in Vernal, UT, where 44-year-old Scott Riley Peterson lives. Agent Barnes met Agent Simper at the door and advised him that multiple drug paraphernalia items had been located in the home and one plastic bag with suspected methamphetamine.

Agent Barnes advised Agent Simper that Scott was new to the Drug Court and had been struggling. Scoot Peterson had multiple dirty urinalyses' ranging through numerous drugs. This is what merited the follow-up at the residence today, resulting in them searching the home.

Agent Simper entered the home and was directed to the kitchen. Multiple used syringes and burned pieces of tin foil were located in the trash can.

These items all contained suspected heroin. On the coffee table was a cigarette wrapper with a white crystal rock with suspected methamphetamine inside.

These items were placed into an evidence bag. Agent Barnes pointed out more items that were found in the top drawer. More used syringes and bags were located. All of these items were placed in an evidence bag.

Agent Simper had Agent Barnes secure this bag in his patrol vehicle while he spoke with Scott Peterson.

Agent Simper advised Scott Peterson of his Miranda rights. Scott said he understood and agreed to speak with him.

Agent Simper asked Scott multiple questions, and the following is a summary of his responses. Scott said he had been participating in Drug Court for a few weeks. Scott also said he last used heroin yesterday, Tuesday morning, using a syringe. This syringe was currently in a sharps container under the bed. Scott said he last used methamphetamine in the last few weeks and typically mixes it with heroin in a syringe.

Scott told the agent all of the paraphernalia was his and the methamphetamine on the table was probably his. Scott confirmed his girlfriend lives with him at the residence. Scott said she hadn't used it since the first of this month, and none of the items found in the home belonged to her.

Scott was taken into custody and transported to the jail by AP&P.

A criminal history report was reviewed, and numerous convictions of possession of a controlled substance and distribution of a controlled substance were observed.

Due to this, any schedule I/II controlled substance charge is enhanced to a second-degree felony. Scott Peterson was booked on two counts of possession of controlled substances and one count of drug paraphernalia.


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