By Travis Uresk
| Vernal, Ut. | February 26th, 2025 |
While Deputy Pratt was patrolling the Vernal area, he was dispatched to a bar fight at the Gateway Saloon.
When the deputy arrived the parties were separated, and he spoke to a male who identified himself as the victim. The victim stated he had been knocked out by a male who he pointed to who was currently speaking to a Vernal City Officer.
That male was later Identified as 29-year-old Taoipu Patu.
The victim stated that people were arguing and pushing each other out in front of the bar, and he went outside to help get the bartender and another patron away from the arguing and pushing that was occurring outside between a group of people who were trying to leave.
As the victim put his hand on the other patron's shoulder, Taoipu turned and punched the victim on the left side of his face. The punch knocked the victim out, and he fell to the ground.
Once he regained consciousness, he got up and returned to the bar, and the bartender called 911.
Multiple witnesses on scene had a similar accounting of the incident as described by the victim.
While officers were on scene investigating, gathering information, and interviewing suspects and witnesses, Toaipu walked towards another individual who was standing across the parking lot from him. Before officers were able to stop Taoipu, he punched a second person in the face knocking him to the ground.
Five officers were breaking up that fight when Taoipu had a family member get involved in this incident as well. This incident was now a fight of two vs one, with officers on the ground and the victim and offenders attempting to break up the incident. One individual was tased to get him to comply.
Once the second fight was contained and the individuals involved were placed in handcuffs and into patrol vehicles, Deputy Pratt spoke with Taopu.
Taoipu admitted to punching the original victim and knocking him down. Taopu stated that he felt like the individual was making fun of him for what he believed to be respect towards one of the employees. He felt due to the culture he was raised in, the victim was disrespecting him.
Deputy Pratt directly witnessed Taoipu punch the second victim in the face and was involved with Taoipu refusing to comply with orders given by Law Enforcement. The victim was transported to the hospital in the ambulance for evaluation.
Taoipu was placed in handcuffs, evaluated by medical personnel, and transported to the Uintah County Jail, where he was booked on the following charges and two of the three warrants.
Taoipu was booked into the Uintah County Jail on the previous assault and related charges, as well as a second assault as the other individual was a separate incident and charged with Interference of a police officer for not complying with direct commands.
Taoipu Patu may post bail in the amount of $1,770.00.

Taoipu Patu may post bail in the amount of $1,470.00.

All the articles from 1nationjustice.com are from the affidavits of probable cause reports that the officers write. If you would like, you can get a copy of the report from the website below. It does cost money to get on the site and to open every document you want to read.