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Woman Gets Assaulted When She Discovers Finance Has Another Girlfriend


Vernal, Ut. — On March 6th, 2024, a victim was currently at the police department to report an assault that occurred on the night of March 4th.

Officer Elmer arrived at the police station and met with the victim and her victim's advocate. During the interview, the victim stated two nights ago, she and her finance, 62-year-old Randy Allen Lee, had gotten into an argument regarding him having another girlfriend.

While arguing, Randy put her in a chokehold and pulled her down to the floor. When Randy let go, the victim turned around and was slapped across the face. Officer Elmer observed dark red bruising on the left side of her face, as well as some injuries to her hands.

The victim also stated she had kicked Randy in the area of his hernia to get him to go away. Randy told the victim during the altercation, "This wouldn't be happening if you could keep your mouth shut."

Officer Elmer visited Randy's residence to speak with him about the incident. Randy said they argued that night, and she threw a cordless drill at him. He said it hit his arm and skated across his head, not causing any injuries.

Randy then said he did grab onto the victim by wrapping his arms around her shoulders and wrestling her down to the ground. The officer asked about the marks on the victim's face, and he stated the marks were caused by her possibly hitting her head on the cabinet and the propane heater that were next to them inside the trailer.

Randy also stated that he didn't assault his finance, only that he was defending himself and wrestled her to the ground. Randy was asked to show Officer Elmer where the drill hit his arm and head. The officer observed no bruising on his arm or head. Randy then stated there was a bump on his head from the drill, but not anymore.

Randy was placed under arrest and transported to the Uintah County Jail, where he was issued a citation for the incident.


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